Your Second Saturn Return: A Time of Transformation and Change Free Webinar


A free 60-minute webinar about the power of the Saturn Transition

Join me in this free, introductory webinar as we explore how Evolutionary Astrology views a Second Saturn Return. We’ll talk about what it can entail, and how you can begin to answer the questions that are challenging you.

Sign up for my newsletter to be notified of future dates this webinar will be offered.

You’ve probably heard the term ‘Saturn Return’ but did you know you go through this powerful transition at least twice in your life? The specific date of your Return occurs in your late 50s. However, you begin feeling its effect in your early 50s and the energy is still available for processing well into your 60s.

When your Second Saturn Return is on the horizon, you can feel off-kilter. You want to find ways to regain your balance in a life that seems suddenly foreign. You feel like you’ve lost the lyrics of your unique song as you face the usual Saturn Return questions – Who am I now? Who am I becoming? How will I get there? Exploring these questions will help you to regain your balance.

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A free 60-minute webinar about the power of the Saturn Transition

Join me in this free, introductory webinar as we explore how Evolutionary Astrology views a Second Saturn Return. We’ll talk about what it can entail, and how you can begin to answer the questions that are challenging you.

Sign up for my newsletter to be notified of future dates this webinar will be offered.

You’ve probably heard the term ‘Saturn Return’ but did you know you go through this powerful transition at least twice in your life? The specific date of your Return occurs in your late 50s. However, you begin feeling its effect in your early 50s and the energy is still available for processing well into your 60s.

When your Second Saturn Return is on the horizon, you can feel off-kilter. You want to find ways to regain your balance in a life that seems suddenly foreign. You feel like you’ve lost the lyrics of your unique song as you face the usual Saturn Return questions – Who am I now? Who am I becoming? How will I get there? Exploring these questions will help you to regain your balance.

A free 60-minute webinar about the power of the Saturn Transition

Join me in this free, introductory webinar as we explore how Evolutionary Astrology views a Second Saturn Return. We’ll talk about what it can entail, and how you can begin to answer the questions that are challenging you.

Sign up for my newsletter to be notified of future dates this webinar will be offered.

You’ve probably heard the term ‘Saturn Return’ but did you know you go through this powerful transition at least twice in your life? The specific date of your Return occurs in your late 50s. However, you begin feeling its effect in your early 50s and the energy is still available for processing well into your 60s.

When your Second Saturn Return is on the horizon, you can feel off-kilter. You want to find ways to regain your balance in a life that seems suddenly foreign. You feel like you’ve lost the lyrics of your unique song as you face the usual Saturn Return questions – Who am I now? Who am I becoming? How will I get there? Exploring these questions will help you to regain your balance.