Harness the power of your Second Saturn Return


Your Second Saturn Return: A Time of Transformation and Change

A free 60-minute webinar about the power of the Saturn Transition

Join me in this free, introductory webinar as we explore how Evolutionary Astrology views a Second Saturn Return. We’ll talk about what it can entail, and how you can begin to answer the questions that are challenging you.

When Pisces Welcomes Saturn’s Return Webinar

A 60-minute webinar to learn the basics of working with these two powerful energies

Join me as I explore the basics of how to balance the two opposing energies of Saturn and Pisces. I’ll be sharing three keys for using Saturn’s gifts as you seek to engage with your Piscean need to merge with something greater.


Saturn’s Secret Superpower: Aligning with the Rockstar Planet of Manifestation

A 4 week, live, online series to align with Saturn’s power

In this four-week series, we will explore the basics of Saturn’s gifts and challenges. We will learn key tenets to adhere to as you enhance your unique song.


A Second Saturn Return: Enhancing your Cosmic Song

A Guidebook to empower your Second Saturn Return

Through the lens of Evolutionary Astrology and Cosmology, discover what a Second Saturn Return passage entails and how to navigate it. Through journaling prompts, meditations, and a Saturn reflection, you will be guided through this vulnerable and empowering time.

Harmonizing the Energies of Pisces and Saturn

A Guidebook to work with Saturn in Pisces

Through the lens of Evolutionary Astrology and Cosmology, discover how to meld the opposing energies of Pisces and Saturn to empower yourself during your Saturn Return. Learn three key habits to cultivate as Saturn helps you to bring into reality your Piscean compassion, transcendent ideas, and otherworldly imagining.

Your Birth Chart: How the Universe Sings to You

An Evolutionary Astrology birth chart guide book

Learn how your birth chart was created and how Evolutionary Astrology views the planets, not as determiners of your fate, but supporters of you on your evolutionary journey.

“Maggie is full of wisdom and insight. She is able to communicate fairly complex ideas with clarity. She offers me the support and insight that really helps me understand the how’s and why’s of living in this stage of my life.” ~ Samyak

An online series to empower your Second Saturn Return, held in a supportive community of women going through the same transformative experience

“Working with Maggie is wonderful! She is able to synthesize information to make it understandable and relatable. Her intelligence and humor shine through, creating an engaging and rewarding experience.” ~ Jolinda
Saturn Return Astrology Maggie Edelstein

I’m committed to helping women navigate a vulnerable time in their lives by providing the reflection and encouragement they need to move through their Second Saturn Return with empowerment and insight as they continue to sing the Cosmic Song gifted them by the evolving Universe.