A Second Saturn Return is a time of challenges and vulnerability. If you are between the ages of 56-61, you are experiencing your Second Saturn Return. Saturn is in the Zodiac sign of Pisces now and will remain there until late spring of 2025. 

A key to this transition is to consciously recognize that you are connected to Saturn and all it has to offer energetically. This transition is a time to empower yourself as you move into your Saturnian Elderhood. This transition is about expressing your life experience through the wisdom you have gained. You are adding the lyrics of a Saturnian Elder to your Cosmic Song.



In this four-week, online small group series, the Green Dragon Circle offers tools and resources grounded in Evolutionary Astrology and Cosmology to help you navigate your Second Saturn Return.

Through a robust exchange of ideas, enlivening Q&As, prompted journal exploration, guided meditations, and practices we will deepen your apprenticeship with Saturn, honoring the unique role your Second Saturn Return plays in your life.

Held in a supportive community of women going through the same transformative experience, you will lay a solid foundation on your path into Saturn Elderhood.

Circles are limited to 10 participants. A minimum of 6 participants is required for the session to be held.


Level One — $220

Week One: Being initiated into Saturnian Elderhood: Understanding A Second Saturn Return in Pisces.

Week Two: A Mystic Seeking to Merge with the Cosmos: Understanding Pisces through the lens of Evolutionary Astrology.

Week Three: Saturn Learning to Swim in Piscean Waters: Understanding how the Energies of Saturn and Pisces support each other.

Week Four: The Gifts of a Saturn in Pisces: Planning your path of empowerment, integrity, and self-expression.

Level Two* — $220

Week One: Deepening our Understanding of a Second Saturn Return in Pisces

Week Two: Saturn’s mantra: Try. Learn. Try again. Transforming your experiences into wisdom.

Week Three: Pisces mantra: Exploring the Transcendent.

Week Four: Celebrating Saturn in Pisces: Planning your path forward with compassion and wisdom.

*Completion of Level One is required for registration in Level Two.

“The class provided not only knowledge but also a deeper understanding of how astrology can be a source of guidance and love. It was a wonderful experience, and I feel more equipped to navigate life's journey.” ~ Theresa

You are invited to join us as we dare to stand with feet firm on the ground, hands on hips, chin lifted, voice challenging the darkness of our fear. We dare to be the person we came to be. We dare to sing the Cosmic Song gifted to us by the evolving Universe.