My astrology work is grounded in the belief that the Universe is creating a symphony from matter, energy, light, and sound as it consciously evolves. I believe we are an integral part of that evolution.

I believe we all have our own unique song to contribute to the Universe’s symphony. When we consciously work with Saturn during our Second Saturn Return, we enhance the lyrics to our song. We are picking up the baton of elderhood and conducting this motif in our vital, unique part in the Universe’s symphony.


When I hit my Second Saturn Return at 58, it came with the usual Saturn Return challenges and questions – what was the point of me? Where was I going? I’d had many life experiences by the time I hit my Second Saturn Return. With all that life experience, I should have known who I was and where I was going, right? I didn’t. 

True to my Sagittarius moon and Sagittarius Rising, which both crave exposure to different cultures and ways of being, I’ve worked in most of the major industries. I’ve had jobs in finance, technology, scientific research, academia, mental health, community organizing, writing, restaurants, and hotels. With my Libra Sun, I’ve even explored careers in theater and music. Despite all these experiences, all this exposure to new and different ways of being, I realized a piece of what makes my heart happy was still missing.  I had to find a way to answer the questions that were troubling me. I began a mentorship with the Evolutionary Astrologer, Paul Richard, M.Div., and I started to find some answers. For the last 13 years, I’ve studied the art of Evolutionary Astrology under his guiding hand.

Saturn Return Astrology Maggie Edelstein

I grew up in a small beach town near Cape Canaveral, where the U.S. Space Program got its start. The stars and all things astronomical were often topics around our dinner table. Clear night skies were common, so my dad, a former pilot, sat with me night after night until I could recognize the constellations. We talked endlessly about how our ancestors revered the stars, what it meant to be a pilot, and how the stars had been sending their light to Earth long before humans walked on it. My dad shared his belief that the stars were there so, “We can find where we are supposed to be.” Then he told me the story of how late one night, he had been flying back to the Air Force base in the Arabian desert where he was stationed. The lone passenger was a Bedouin nomad, a man who usually traveled the desert by camel. The desert night sky was new to my dad, so when the plane’s navigation system went down, he was uncertain which way to continue flying. The nomad reassured him that he would be able to use the stars to guide the plane across the desert and back to the base. The man extended his arm with his thumb up and aligned it to a specific star. He told my dad to follow his instructions. The man kept his thumb in alignment with that star and safely guided them back to the base. 

Using the stars as our compass has been a gift passed down from our ancestors to ‘help us find where we are supposed to be’. This idea became an integral part of my world view. It’s what I hope to impart to my clients, friends, and family. I want to share my belief that the stars, indeed the whole Universe, are there to support us to find where we are supposed to be in the evolving symphony.


In it, he wrote that the Universe is rarer than a Green Dragon and that he believes the Universe is aware, is evolving, and that we all have a part to play in that evolution. This idea resonated with all the things that I had been pondering since my dad taught me about the constellations. I’d found the reason I’d spent night after night gazing at the Moon and the stars. All the random bits and various jobs came together. The Universe had been singing to me this entire time. Now I understood how to sing back. 

A green dragon became my muse and inspired all my offerings. Through my books and my Green Dragon Circle, I want to help you recognize your song, so you can sing back, too. 

Learn more about Aidinth of the 7” dragon tribe.

When I picked up Brian Swimme’s book, The Universe is a Green Dragon, I knew I’d found a missing piece.


My birth name is Aidinth (Aid-nth). I’m the eldest of the rare 7-inch green dragon tribe. In fact, I’m so rare, Brian Swimme, PhD., a noted cosmologist, compared me to the Universe in his book, ‘The Universe is a Green Dragon’. He claimed that green dragons are way more common than our Universe . . . which I take exception to. 7-inch dragons are quite rare. He is right, though. At this point, we know of only one Universe. I know of at least three other Dragon Tribes.

I’ve just completed my Second Saturn Return. It was a bumpy roller coaster ride as I struggled to recognize the lyrics of my song. Despite the bumps and hard left turns, I’ve successfully navigated this challenging time. I want to share with you all that I have learned about singing with Saturn, the art of fascination, and finding my place in the symphony being created by the evolving Universe. 

I like oatmeal, Assam tea and the band Imagine Dragons. I can often be found at my telescope, trying to see the rings of Saturn.

My guiding philosophy

We call . . . to all those who are finding a way back to themselves.

We know . . . that we create our path, our wisdom, our art. Our Lives.

We celebrate . . . everyone who is trying to be kinder.

We embrace . . . all the lost ones, reassuring them that we, too, have been there and will be there again, for that is the nature of living.

We see . . . the world around us. We have eyes as old as the Universe and as young as a newborn. We are the Universe seeing Itself.

We hear . . . others with deep ears, listening beyond words to the subtle, telltale signs of another seeking themselves.

We sing . . . the expression of the Universe that is uniquely made manifest in each of us.

We recognize . . . the intelligence inherent in all things on the Earth and cherish that we share the same planet.

We commit . . . to the journey of this lifetime.

We laugh . . . with all those who see the supreme idiocy and sublime beauty of Being.

We mourn . . . for all those who will never wake up this lifetime.

We change . . . ourselves and our fear-filled ways in the hope that our planet may thrive.

We protest . . . for the angry, the violated, for those in need.

We fear . . . for those who have no voice and will never be heard.

We breathe . . . because others cannot.

We trust . . . in the loving heart of Humanity that we will find our way.

We sing . . . songs of praise to the wounded warriors of the soul, healed saviors, and those still waiting to find the light.

We understand . . . endings are only the beginnings of the next chapter of our epic tale of being Human.

We dance . . . to the drum beat of our aching heart, to the drumbeat of our healed hearts, all the while knowing that wisdom will come.

We dare . . . to stand with feet firm on the ground, hands on hips, chin lifted, voice challenging the darkness. We dare to be the person we came to be. We dare to sing the Cosmic Song gifted us by the evolving Universe. We dare you to join us.

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Saturn Return Astrology Maggie Edelstein

As an Evolutionary Astrologer, I support the following:

1. An acceptance of the fact that human beings incarnate in a succession of lifetimes.

 2. An acceptance of the fact that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary condition of the soul at the moment of incarnation.

 3. An acceptance of the fact that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary intentions of the soul for the present life.

 4. An acceptance of the fact that the circumstances of the present life, both materially and psychologically, do not arise randomly, but rather reflect the evolutionary intentions and necessities of the soul.

 5. An acceptance of the fact that human beings interact creatively and unpredictably with their birthcharts; that all astrological symbols are multi-dimensional and are modulated into material and psychic expression by the consciousness of the individual.

 6. An acceptance of the fact that human beings are responsible for the realities they experience, both internally and externally.

 7. A respectful intention to accept and support a person seeking astrological help, no matter the evolutionary state in which such an individual finds himself or herself.

Copyright 2000, Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green